Indonesia risks palm oil exports if progress not made on sustainable cultivation, experts warn

The snail–like pace at which Indonesia is improving the sustainability of its palm oil agriculture in the face of mounting pressure from global trade players could jeopardize the commodity’s future, experts have warned. Among the critics of Indonesia’s palm oil agriculture management is Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) forestry expert and Center for International Forestry Research…

Indonesia seeking support from IEA, IRENA on palm oil biofuels

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry is working to secure global recognition of Indonesian palm oil–based biofuels as a renewable energy source after the European Union categorized the product as unsustainable earlier this year. The ministry’s deputy minister Arcandra Tahar said he met representatives from the International Energy Agency (IEA) and International Renewable Energy Agency…

Gapki and IPB Join Forces for More Sustainable Palm Oil Industry

Jakarta. Indonesia’s palm oil lobby group and one of the country’s most prominent agricultural research institutes signed memorandum of understanding in Bogor, West Java, on Tuesday on the development of sustainable palm plantations. The agreement between the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki) and ‎Bogor Agricultural University ‎(IPB) emphasizes technology-based research and development to meet the…

Astra Agro Works Closely With Gov’t to Prevent Forest Fires in Riau

Jakarta. Astra Agro Lestari has said in a statement they have made a series of preparations in anticipation of extreme weather changes and potential forest fires during this dry season.  Working closely with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPPD), the National Police, the Army and the Environment and Forestry Ministry, Astra Agro already has 1,036 fire management personnel at the ready.  The company’s…

Govt lacks “strong” measures against palm oil barriers

THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA The government is lacking in strong measures to fight tariff barriers implemented by several palm oil export destinations, including India and the European Union, Indonesian Oil Palm Association (GAPKI) chairman Joko Supriyono has said. The country’s number one export commodity continues to face criticism over sustainability, such as deforestation issues raised by…