Indonesian Sustainability Palm Oil (ISPO) commitee, grant certification for 40 Indonesia Palm Oil Company, five of them were Astra Agro subsidiaries. It shows government commitment in achieving sustainable Palm Oil management.Directorate General of Plantation Ir. Bambang MM said that ISPO is a recognition for good palm oil management from international market. He said it at opening ceremony of ISPO awarding in Ministry of Agriculture Auditorium Jakarta (October 29th 2017)
“So, we should be proud and respect this (ISPO) certification, because if we don’t then don’t expect International World to respect it,”Said Bambang,”Palm Oil has become Indonesian power, it creates environment balance,” He continued.
Five PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. Subsidiaries in that event were succeded in receiving ISPO certification. Those five were PT Bhadra Sukses, PT Sari Lembah Subur 1, PT Suryaraya Lestari 2 , PT Sari Aditya Loka 2 and PT Cipta Narada Lestari. They were located in Kalimantan, Sumatera and Sulawesi.
Astra Agro Lestari Head of Sustainable and Safety, Ferdinand Ritonga were grateful for the ISPO certification. Ferdinand said that it’s not easy to achieve the certification because the company must run a good agriculture by the regulation. “Some of our subsidiaries were receive it after 2 years process because of some hindrance among others were local government waste management permit,” Said Ferdinand. “ We, of course hope that the government and local government are in sync in their commitment to implement ISPO certification, so that the process will be easier for the subject.” He said it firmly.
ISPO commitee keep holding socialization in order to achive their ISPO Certification target as soon as possible. Until now 551 plantation subject were attending the socialization and 306 or 81.04 percent of them already receiving the certification. August this year ISPO Commitee has grant 40 certification for plantation companies with 202.427,17 Ha wide area and 539.265,88 tons CPO production. In total ISPO Committee from 2011 to 2017 already grant 306 certification for 1.882.075 Ha wide area and 8.147.013,63 tons CPO
In that event Chief of Joint Palm Oil businessman (GAPKI) Joko Supriyono also attending. Joko gave his support for ISPO Commitee performance in fulfilling 100% certification target for Indonesian Palm Oil Plantation. Not only company’s plantation but also self-help and plasma plantation. “We must agree that we should support ISPO. Because it has become an indicator for Indonesian Palm Oil Sustainability,” Said Joko. (*)